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Four Years of BA!

It is that time of the year again where we are celebrating The Blair Academy’s birthday! This year the company is turning 4 years old, which is such a huge milestone for small organisations. This time round we are reflecting on all the weird and wonderful endeavors we have pursued on our journey, and celebrating our current focus on boosting the health and happiness of older adults.

In The Blair Academy’s early days, the organisation was full of excitement to kickstart our mission and make a change through dance. We went into all sorts of settings to teach dance, from parent and baby sessions, trampoline parks with DJs, children’s birthday parties, care homes, youth hostels, homeless shelters, primary schools and more. You name it, we’ve done it. We would go in there with our characteristic burst of energy and strive to help people from all walks of life experience all the benefits that we knew dance had to offer.

A year into running the business, COVID hit. It had a paramount effect on our organisation, but what we notice was affected even more was the wellbeing of older adults in care homes. It was clear that they were being left behind in the midst of the ever-growing, and ever-changing pandemic-stricken world. With little support for older adults to learn the digital ways of connecting, we felt that they were becoming more isolated than ever. This was when we really made the decision to narrow our focus and tailor our sessions to support older adults in care homes.

Now 4 years from the inception of The Blair Academy, our growing team of 8 people currently work in over 20 care homes and day centres each week. We could not be more proud of how a small seed of an idea has led to such accomplishments. Throughout this journey, we are constantly humbled by the challenges posed to us, and uplifted by the achievements we make. We are very hopeful that the company continues to grow, and we’re quite confident that we can make it so. What can we say, it’s The Blair Academy way :)


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