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Celebrating 3 years of Health, Happiness and Hip Hop and our TEAM

It's fair to say the past couple of weeks have been nothing short of momentous for The Blair Academy.

Last Wednesday, we celebrated three years since our very first class at Woodland Grove care home (we still work with them now!)

For any business, reaching the three year mark is huge, as many business fail within the crucial period between 12 and 36 months. We've also spent a considerable amount of those first critical years in a lockdown as part of the pandemic. At first, the lockdown, brought sheer panic to us as a business because we couldn't reach our service users who so desperately needed us, given they were already amongst some of the most socially isolated.

However, re-instating our classes virtually paved the way for our work to come back in full force, and grow! What was first a huge barrier became and opportunity. In starting to expand our reach across the UK, we've engaged over 500 older adults on zoom, and sent over 320 DVDs to care homes without access to the internet. Now we're working on launching a members platform and monthly DVD subscription service. It's not just the service and reach that's been growing either! We're now a team of SEVEN. having a whole gang, dedicated to the cause, with energy and enthusiasm is what we've been dreaming of!

As if having a team wasn't enough excitement, the day after our birthday, we won the UEL Enterprise BYOB competition with the University of East London. This was such a special moment for us having won their EFactor competition back in 2019. The enterprise team there have been such an integral part of our business journey, as have the dance lecturers. It's great to continually foster relationships with the Uni and six of our team members have come from the same course as me, our founder.

THEN, to top it all off, yesterday, we won the DBACE2021 competition, meaning we secured £10,500 in funding and a year of business support with MeWe360. Just when we thought we couldn't be any more proud... BOOM.

Honestly, these are BIG wins for us and each time we're supported in this capacity it's a reminder that other people believe in the vision just like we do. We are so blessed.

Worldwide domination en route.

Thank you to every single person who's been a part of this journey with us. We can't wait to celebrate BA battle style when restrictions lift!

Love always,

Blair x


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