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The Christmas Convo

The Christmas Convo

With Christmas approaching, I find myself getting really excited. It’s something to look forward to. A rare moment to take a breath, appreciate my life, and spend quality time with my family.

Yet, my work, and the varied demographic it impacts reminds me that Christmas is not something to look forward to for everyone. In fact, it can be one of the loneliest times of the year. Whilst everyone rejoices with loved ones, food, and gifts, some people are without some or all of those things. The holiday season can in fact be a stark reminder to these marginalised groups that they are isolated.

Loneliness isn’t something that discriminates, and it shows no mercy for the time of year or occasion. This Christmas will see elderly people with no visitors, just as it will see hostel dwellers in the same scenario.

If there’s anything I urge you to do this Christmas, its reach out. Have a conversation, send a text, knock on the door. It’s so easy to get caught up in our own existence so much that we forget to consider other people. Beyond that, it’s about reaching out on a holistic level, not just when it’s apparent that people are struggling or it’s a special time of year.

We need to reinvigorate the Importance of conversation.

The people I work with value this so much. The time. The effort. The listening ear. I honestly believe that many of the elderly people I used to care for appreciated the conversation more than me washing or feeding them at times.

This Christmas, I’m asking for you help to eradicate loneliness and reignite conversations. (Even difficult and strained ones)

I’m holding an intergenerational Lunch alongside Island Vibes Kitchen on Saturday 21st of December at Priory Court Community Centre (E17). I’d love nothing more than for you to come and join us for food, dancing and of course- a good old natter.

Failing that, all I ask is that you spark a conversation (or two, or three..) over the festive season. Whether its that lady you always see at the bus stop in the morning, or the old guy on your road who you have seen for a while. You never know what people are battling behind closed doors that they are in fact desperate to share but lacking that listening ear.

A conversation can be the difference between life and death in some instances. Asides from that, it’s a healthy, expressive release and should be normalised! We’ve become so digitally connected that we’re losing our ability to converse, in real life, on a humanistic level.

Save the gifts this Christmas, lets get chatting!

Love Always, Blairo

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